Per COVID 19 Social Distancing Protocols we are asking one person per household to register all those attending from your household at the same time.


Según los Protocolos de distanciamiento social de COVID 19, le pedimos a una persona por hogar que registre a todos los asistentes de su hogar al mismo tiempo.

Registration / Formulario de inscripción

  • This Lenten Mission will be offered in Spanish/Las Misiones de Cuaresma en las siguientes parroquias se ofrecerán en español

  • This Lenten Mission will be presented in English

  • This Lenten Mission will be presented in English

  • This Lenten Mission will be presented in English

  • The Lenten Mission will be offered in Spanish/Las Misiones de Cuaresma en las siguientes parroquias se ofrecerán en español

  • This Lenten Mission will be presented in English

  • This Lenten Mission will be presented in English

  • This Lenten Mission will be presented in English

  • This Lenten Mission will be presented in English

  • This Lenten Mission will be presented in English

  • This Lenten Mission will be presented in English

  • This Lenten Mission will be presented in English

  • The Lenten Mission will be offered in Spanish/Las Misiones de Cuaresma en las siguientes parroquias se ofrecerán en español

  • This Lenten Mission will be presented in English

  • This Lenten Mission will be presented in American Sign Language with an Interpreter vocalizing for the hearing

  • This Lenten Mission will be presented in English

  • This Lenten Mission will be presented in English

  • This Lenten Missions will be presented in English

Almost done, where should we send the confirmation?

RegFox Event Registration Software