In your Baptism and Confirmation you received gifts that our world needs. Do you know yours?

As you uncover your gifts, you discover that they are important clues to the particular mission God has for you. These gifts of the Holy Spirit, called charisms, enable you to be a channel of God’s love, truth, beauty, mercy, healing, and provision for others. There is no greater joy than living in His power in the blessed intersection of your gifts and the world's need! For more information about Called & Gifted see Catherine of Siena Institute and watch the workshop trailer below. 

What to Expect

Through the generous support of the Catholic Stewardship Appeal and Faith in Our Future, Called & Gifted Workshops are available for only $50. Your $50 Registration Fee covers:

  • Called & Gifted live workshop,
  • Continental breakfast, snacks, & lunch 
  • Your personal spiritual gifts inventory (completed online before the workshop), 
  • Workbook & materials, 
  • 6 months access to the Catherine of Siena Institute Online Learning Platform which contains videos and additional resources for continuing your gifts discernment,
  • Optional Personal Gifts Interview after the workshop, and 
  • Optional Discernment In Depth Small Group after the workshop.

 **This workshop requires one-two hours of preparation before the event date. Those who register will receive an email the week prior to the workshop with further instructions for how to access this online. If you are registering after Monday, March 24, you will be enrolled online on April 3.**

No one will be denied due to financial circumstances. Please reach out if you are in need of financial assistance. Space is limited and pre-registration is required so that we can prepare enough materials and meals.

Refund & Cancellation Policy

If you wish to cancel your registration, you will be eligible for a full refund (less a processing fee) up to the date that registration closes. 

Requests for refunds after Monday, March 28 will be declined. Thank you for your understanding!

Anyone registering after March 28 may not receive access to the 1-2 hour preparation until the Friday before our workshop. If you are registering late, please plan to spend 1-2 hours of preparation Friday evening or early Saturday morning before the workshop begins at 9am.

Location Information

  • St. Richard of Chichester Parish
  • 1509 Grand Ave., Racine, WI, 53403 US

Participant Information

Please Check if you are in need of assistance

Registration Information


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