Choose Your Impact Session

These sessions are concurrent. That is, you can only participate in one session (unless you've been given special grace to bi-locate).

  • As Church leaders, we often hear that we are "called to be disciples" and "to make disciples", but what does this actually look like? Learn the inner workings of living and teaching discipleship based on Sacred Scripture, the Catechism, and the General Directory of Catechesis.

  • At some time, all of us are in a situation where someone speaks about the Catholic faith in a questioning, confused, or hostile way. This calls for apologetics which is simply the “defense of the faith.” This impact session will explore how to prepare for and practice evangelizing apologetics, with specific practice on some of today’s most disputed Church Teachings.

  • Our world is full of "-isms" that greatly affect our thoughts on who God is and who we are as his sons and daughters. This impact session will focus on knowing the prevailing cultural milieu and how to respond in an evangelizing way.

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