Choose Your Impact Session

These sessions are concurrent. That is, you can only participate in one session (unless you've been given special grace to bi-locate).

  • Bible study, small group, service project, parish committee member, festival volunteer, mass server...there are so many things to do. But, how do you know where and how Jesus is calling you to serve? This impact session will equip you with tools to discern his call to your particular mission.

  • Jesus went to those on the margins and loved them as they had never experienced before. A missionary disciple following in the steps of the Master, seeks to grow in that love for and truly see those on the margins of our own neighborhoods, workplaces, and community. Participants in this session will seek God's grace to stretch our hearts to love the lost, the least, the last, and the lonely.

  • This time with no technical difficulties!
    Discipleship grows in relationship. Do you know how to meet people where they are and accompany them to the destination of a lived discipleship? This impact session is basic training for how to: person-to-person discipleship. -

Participant Contact Information

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