Join us for an amazing trip to serve the community of Nashville, TN!
When: Depart Sunday March 16th at 8:00 AM, with special 7:00 AM Sunday Mass. Arrive in Nashville, Tennessee at approximately 6:00 PM, driving rented vans / suburbans.
Return from Nashville Friday March 21, at 10:00 AM, arrive back at approximately 8:00 PM in Milwaukee
Where: Nashville Tennessee, staying at Camp Sycamore Creek outside of Nashville (a summer camp). We will sleep there, cook meals, and hang out there in the evenings.
What: Working with Catholic Charities in Nashville, and a hospice in Nashville. Examples of types of work: Working with homeless, rural poverty, after school programs, migrant programs, assistance with manual labor, care for the dying, soup kitchen / food pantry.
How Much: There is a $30.00 deposit to register, and you will need to pay $170 balance by March 8th. Each registrant will have a fundraising page made where they can either pay the balance themselves, or ask family and friends to help with fundraising.
Registration Deadline is March 1st.